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Usui Reiki

For my first blog I would like to talk to you about Usui Reiki and its importance. Reiki can be hard to fully understand for it is self intelligent, it is much easier to just experience it. The word Reiki is actually made up of two Japanese ideograms. Rei represents the spiritual source of the universe or the higher mind. This is the higher intelligence of the universe, the same intelligence that tells your heart when to beat and the other organs how to work. Ki represents the primal life energy of the universe. So, Reiki can be described as "spiritually guided primal life energy." An easy way that I like to describe it to people that haven't heard of Reiki before is that it's an energy flow that goes through the practitioner's hands into the client. This energy can clear any blockages or speed up any healing that their body requires. Reiki can not be misused. It is pure and absolutely 100% safe to do. The only thing to be aware of is that if your practitioner isn't clearing their space before and after each visitor you may pick up some unwanted energy but if they are legit you have nothing to worry about. If they don't have their certificate visible, it is suggested to ask to see it. My Master/Teacher Monica Hemstock explains it as being completely safe, the only thing you have to worry about is falling off the table :)

In my next blog I will tell you the story of Dr Mikao Usui and how he discovered Reiki.

Blessings, Rosie <3

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